Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sean’s Birthday and the Huggies Surprise!

The hubs is a year older. Sean never really placed much emphasis on his own birthday (it’s just another day to him), but I try to make it special for him yearly.

Last year, I got him Mango Munch from O’ Coffee Club. We had walked past the place about a week ago before his birthday, and he mentioned that it looked really nice and delicious (it is!). Haha. It was the perfect size for our little family as well. Hehe.

This year, I had thought I’d meet Sean for lunch after my appointment with Dr. Lim, give him a treat or something. But lunch was out, because he had the school’s graduation concert rehearsals to attend, from lunch till end of the work day.

So, I thought we could celebrate over dinner, after Blake’s weekly evening swim at the club. But that was cancelled too! We reached the club only to discover that the kiddy pool was closed for cleaning L

It would be another hour or so before dinner time, and we did not really have other plans for the next hour. We decided to pack dinner from the restaurant back to my parents’ place – seeing how my dad and younger sister needed dinner too, and neither of them cooks.

When we reached my parents’ place, we saw that my dad had picked up the Little Tikes 2-in-1 Garden Cart & Wheelbarrow on our behalf! Hehe. I had taken part in the Huggies Cold Storage promotion for it. Purchase $150 worth of Huggies products, and submit the receipt to claim it! But it’s a ‘while stocks last, first come first serve’ type of promotion. So happy we managed to get it J

So anyway, after dinner, we brought it home, and Blake was beyond excited to have it opened!

Daddy’s little helper got into action, from ripping the box apart to taking all the parts out of their plastic packaging, he was “wowing” most of time! He even attempted to imitate Sean hammering the wheels together. Haha. It was pretty funny. Blake picked up the hammer, and started knocking at various parts of the wheelbarrow.

After it was done, Blake attempted to climb into the wheelbarrow like his fire truck (also got it from a Huggies promotion!).

We did not have the chance to show him how to play it properly cos by the time it was done, it was close to his bedtime. And there was still one more surprise to go!

I had packed a brownie (Sean’s favourite) back from the club’s restaurant, and managed to keep it out of his sight. I went into the kitchen to prepare.


After letting Blake have some brownie, we prepared him for bedtime (the standard: milk, brushing of teeth, and a quick shower), and whisked him off to bed.

Overall, it was not that bad, I think. I only forgot to take a family photo! Haha. Oops.

To end this post, here is a video of Blake in the midst of putting the Little Tikes 2-in-1 Garden Cart & Wheelbarrow together:

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