Sunday, April 7, 2013

Twenty Questions

I know, I know... It's Sunday today, but I'm working on something that's part of Tuesday's Thoughts... But after reading a couple of other mommies' answers to these 20 questions, I want to join in too!!!

1. Was your pregnancy planned, and how old were you?

For Blake, I came home from work one day and told Sean, "LET'S HAVE A BABY!" Haha. I was 23.

For Nakayla, I turned to him and said, "Let's try for baby number two!" :P I was 25.

2. What were your reaction?

Both times, I was grinning from ear to ear. Haha!

3. How did you find out you were pregnant?

For Blake, I was patiently waiting for the day to arrive for me to test myself. Already had the test kits bought and on standby!

For Nakayla, I couldn't wait to test. I tested (and wasted) with so many pregnancy test kits. Always testing earlier than I was supposed to. After 3 months passed and nothing positive came up, I gave up. Then next thing I know, I was late and it was positive!

4. Who did you tell first?


5. Did you find out the sex?

Yup. I wanted to know, both times. Haha.

6. Did you have morning sickness?

For Blake, no.

For Nakayla, I only felt a little nauseousness and loss of appetite. No actual vomiting.

7. What did you crave?

For Blake, Chocolate ice cream, fast food

For Nakayla, Chinese food - especially Bak Chor Mee (Minced meat noodles)

But neither cravings were so bad that I had to have it.

8. Who / What irritated you the most?

People who push and shove me, even when I was heavily pregnant. And those who snatch seats from me on public transport! Haha.

9. Did you wish you had a different gender from what you obtained?

For Blake, no.

For Nakayla, I was half-hoping for a boy. But my original plan (like can plan like that, haha!) was elder brother, younger sister. And I got what I originally wanted. And I must say, having another girl in the family is really good! Haha.

10. How many kilos did you gain during the entire pregnancy?

For Blake, I gained about 15kg.

For Nakayla, I gained about 10kg.

11. Where did you think the baby was conceived?

At home, for sure. Hahahaha!

12. Did you have any complications during the pregnancy?

Nothing major.

For Blake, I had spotting in the first trimester.

For Nakayla, I had low lying placenta.

13. Where did you give birth?

Gleneagles! :D

14. How many hours were you in labour?

I honestly have no idea when it started...

15. Who watched you give birth?

Both times - Sean, my gynae and the nurses

16. Was it natural, or C-Sect?

For Blake, Natural with Epidural

For Nakayla, Natural with only laughing gas (nearly died when I couldn't have epidural!)

17. Did you take medication to ease the pain?

For Blake, after giving birth, I took painkillers (tablets) and had a further injection when the epidural wore off in the middle of the night and it hurt like mad!

For Nakayla, after giving birth, I only took painkillers (tablets).

18. When was your child born?

Blake, 9 September 2010

Nakalay, 21 November 2012

19. What is his / her name?

Blake Maximus Wang Rui Xiong 王睿雄

Nakayla Rose Wang Rui Xuan 王睿璇

20. How old is he / she today?

Blake will be 2 years 7 months old in two days time!

Nakayla will be 5 months old come 21st!

Linking up with:


  1. I cannot imagine going without epi! I will probably nearly die too haha

    1. I really thought I was going to die. Cannot move, but so painful. Before that, I was trashing around the bed. Sean and 2 nurses had to hold me down! And they kept saying, "Mother is in distress! More gas!" Hahaha!!

  2. WAH!! Steady la... I like the decision making but ;)

    1. the decision making BIT! Ayoh... typo!

      thanks for linking up! :)

    2. hahaha! thanks for having this linky! it's fun!!!
